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I was born and raised in New York and moved to Oregon in 2013. Art has been a part of how I function from the start, carrying around a sketch pad with me from before I could read – through latch-key kid years writing music, getting in trouble and messing around with any paints I could get my hands on – to studying Opera Performance and choral arts in college, during years dominated by long work hours and untreated mental illness. The emotional outlets of art and music were the only way it worked, and the only point of making it work.
I broke free to Oregon at 25 in search of mountains, trees, time, and clarity. It didn’t quite turn out that way, but my mind’s darkest times became some of the work that means the most to me now. 10 years later and a whole lot wiser I’m living in the beautiful Central Oregon high desert with my husband and 3 dogs, a brain full of the proper medication and a soul full of gratitude. I insist on “over-sharing” about my experience living with untreated mental illness for those who will hear, because the stigma that prevents earlier treatment is a real force that can be combatted only with normalizing care.
I currently focus in ink and watercolor, and record music in my home studio for my band Well in the Woods [download En Memoria on Apple Music & Spotify :] I perform with local opera company OperaBend, and my other hobbies include learning about small-scale flower farming, propagating plants, agility training my canines, laughing a lot, & planning for next Halloween. I love crows, logic, my husband, my dogs, the ocean, the woods, and the NY Knicks (not in that order).